Tuesday, September 29, 2009

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A issue of great importance in these days has been to define the scope, content and limits of the "military justice".

This important decision criteria are noted in this regard.,

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In This table reflects a first report of what has been the performance of the Supreme Court in this case

the views of Ministers, via the official records of plenary:

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One of the most emblematic cases of the use of Amparo (ruling that protects individual rights) as a protection and advocacy groups.

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One of the most important of the new millennium.

The Supreme Court created a microsite that you can still visit: ABORTION Microsite

The following table presents general information about this important case.

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This summary presents the main features of the case.

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It is a complex issue. The table reflects the most relevant data from a general overview.

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regulating How Research of the Supreme Court to find facts that may constitute violations guarantees serious? Electoral Legislation Tabasco

research faculty of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, to name one or more commissions for them digging a fact that could mean serious violation of individual rights , has a deep history over the last century.

Currently, there is no law governing how to exercise this power and there is no rule to clarify the scope of the conclusion of such investigations.

Therefore, the Supreme Court itself adopted a General Agreement of the Whole, to self-regulate and to have a policy regarding internal, at least, to order the work of these commissions provided constitutionally.

Here are those rules.
Rules of Court to authorize Research

Monday, September 28, 2009

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2 / 2009 and its accumulated 3 / 2009 AGAINST THE ELECTORAL LAW OF THE STATE OF TABASCO

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Action 123/2008 unconstitutionality against various provisions of the Constitution Free and Sovereign State of Tabasco (Electoral Matters).

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Derived Unconstitutional Action 6 / 2009 against the local Constitution and Electoral Law State of Sinaloa.