Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Marriage Personal Invitation Wordings In Tamil

Marriage Case discussion on same-sex

Here you can find documents allow you to follow up the discussion of the Supreme Court's plenary session, in relation to Unconstitutional Action 2 / 2010, on marriages between same sex:

Draft resolution:

1. Original draft resolution to the Minister PDF Valls Hernández

2. Motion Analysis of the substance of Article 391 of the Civil Code for the Federal District, within Unconstitutional Action 2 / 2010 (ADOPTION) PDF versions

stenographic :

1. First session that addressed the unconstitutionality Action 2 / 2010 on marriage between same sex July 1

2. Second session which addressed Unconstitutional Action 2 / 2010 on marriage between same sex August 3

3. Third session that dealt with the Action Unconstitutional 2 / 2010 on marriage between same sex August 5

4. Fourth session which addressed Unconstitutional Action 2 / 2010 on marriage between same sex August 9

5. Fifth session that addressed the unconstitutionality Action 2 / 2010 on marriage between same sex August 10

Videos of the sessions:

can view here public meetings of the Plenum of the Supreme Court's .

Radio Program:

is constitutional marriage between same sex in the Federal District. Program "In the Balance... Voices of the Court."

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How To Vlean My Clitorus

Atenco Case decree extinguishing

Resolutions June 30, 2010 of the First Chamber of the Supreme Court's direct relief in the Case concerning Atenco. These cases have resulted in the release of 12 people. Know the details of the case.