In the square of the same name, in the Barrio de Caicena, we meet at 1 pm, a number of citizens to celebrate this important anniversary: \u200b\u200bthe number 31. The longer, more fruitful, richer, with all the nuances that they want, ultimately. The longest period of democracy throughout our recent history and not so recent, in which all the English have been proud of being English and this our Spain, where we have achieved the highest assessments of progress, wealth and participation at various levels. In all kinds of associations, civic, cultural, political, etc ...
For this simple reason, in the different voices and attacks, keen to advocate a reform of our Constitution , I would urge caution , very careful. Because behind these reforms seem trivial or minor and of so little importance, is a depth charge with much substance and content.
Given my thorough ignorance of the constitution and the various legal implications need to involve any change however small the Law of Laws aware that all the young English ace gave us, I ask once more cautious. Perhaps those who want reform and change think it will go better with reforms that they only seem to want are privileges (more privileges), but only for a few. Perhaps we can benefit all, but the story is there.
Finally, here we pay a modest but heartfelt tribute to the fathers of our CONSTITUTION, both, fortunately, are still with us and the sadly now defunct. Still with us:
D. Manuel Fraga Iribarne.
D. Miguel Herrero y Rodriguez of Mignon.
D. Manuel Fraga Iribarne.
D. Miguel Herrero y Rodriguez of Mignon.
D. Gregorio Peces Barba.
D. Miquel Roca i Junyent.
D. José Pedro Pérez Llorca.
And, unfortunately, we left:
D. Gabriel Cisneros Laborda, died on June 27, 2007.
D. Jordi Solé Tura, we left two days before this celebration, on December 4, 2009.
For all my appreciation and gratitude because they knew surrender some of their positions each and take as their own the others. We serve as an example.
Thanks, then, all of them and their names Forever remain indelible in the collective memory of the young English ace. Mariano
Girela Junco