Sunday, December 13, 2009

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celebrate another year / as hueteños / as the day of the CONSTITUTION.
In the square of the same name, in the Barrio de Caicena, we meet at 1 pm, a number of citizens to celebrate this important anniversary: \u200b\u200bthe number 31. The longer, more fruitful, richer, with all the nuances that they want, ultimately. The longest period of democracy throughout our recent history and not so recent, in which all the English have been proud of being English and this our Spain, where we have achieved the highest assessments of progress, wealth and participation at various levels. In all kinds of associations, civic, cultural, political, etc ...
For this simple reason, in the different voices and attacks, keen to advocate a reform of our Constitution , I would urge caution , very careful. Because behind these reforms seem trivial or minor and of so little importance, is a depth charge with much substance and content.
Given my thorough ignorance of the constitution and the various legal implications need to involve any change however small the Law of Laws aware that all the young English ace gave us, I ask once more cautious. Perhaps those who want reform and change think it will go better with reforms that they only seem to want are privileges (more privileges), but only for a few. Perhaps we can benefit all, but the story is there.
Finally, here we pay a modest but heartfelt tribute to the fathers of our CONSTITUTION, both, fortunately, are still with us and the sadly now defunct. Still with us:
D. Manuel Fraga Iribarne.
D. Miguel Herrero y Rodriguez of Mignon.
D. Gregorio Peces Barba.
D. Miquel Roca i Junyent.
D. José Pedro Pérez Llorca.
And, unfortunately, we left:
D. Gabriel Cisneros Laborda, died on June 27, 2007.
D. Jordi Solé Tura, we left two days before this celebration, on December 4, 2009.
For all my appreciation and gratitude because they knew surrender some of their positions each and take as their own the others. We serve as an example.
Thanks, then, all of them and their names Forever remain indelible in the collective memory of the young English ace. Mariano
Girela Junco

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Popular Party again demonstrated once again its capacity to control the tripartite and willingness to work with and for the people.
Each and every one of the / as 8 councilors of the Municipal People , with their leader at the forefront of debate, raised issues and questions to the tripartite.
Full was held in a cordial atmosphere and a serene and peaceful debate.
Among several other issues was read by Mr. Mayor to institutional manifesto against domestic violence who do not read on November 25 as it should have been, with the support of all local groups. While
D. Mariano Molina and other council members of the Municipal People made their summoned to the various council responsible for the area according to each case, the spokesman for the PA, D. Antonio Ernesto Molina, appeared to doze off and be boring, dumb attended IU as not opened his mouth the entire House, and for once I opened it in response to a question from D. Constantino José Martínez, was to personally attack to D. Constantine. Forgetting D. Jose Carlos Perez, spokesman for IU that having a charge of municipal liability does not give immunity to the individual under budget is built on three occasions ramp to the garage of his property as well hire your child to a charge of game (works for IU), but we pay all the learners hueteños / as and does not work for Huétor Vega. D. Constantine was interested by Hueteños monies that end up in the pocket of hijísimo, (which is what is known already by the people) as well as the father in building a ramp in charge of budgets.
Mr. Mayor an answer and other times seemed to say (you ask what I want to answer that pleases me.) By the way, were most of the time. The left rules and otherwise. You know, another form of government. Mariano
Girela Junco

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

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Nefasto attempt at Opening Plenary of the Municipality of Vega Huétor

full opening of the new municipality of Huetor Vega, on a day that should have been a holiday for the people of Huétor Vega, due to poor management and lack of foresight of the Municipal Government Team, headed by D. Hurtado Plácido Caballero.

face of repeated complaints of Popular Party, speaking through his spokesman D. Mariano Molina of El Paso, and once more to the repeated failure to meet deadlines call for the full, and the lack of delivery of the necessary documentation for them in a timely manner to the various groups, and specifically the main and only group in the municipal opposition, ie, the Popular Party and the placement of camps for the general knowledge of the public with sufficient time (in this case is that the sides have been placed in time, but not not one has been placed around the municipality. NOT ONE).

Full had to be postponed until further notice to be done in time and form, as properly.

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Huétor Denial Vega Mayor to read the manifest institutional Day to Combat Violence against Women 1230

Huétor Mayor Vega, D. Hurtado Plácido Knight, has publicly refused (in full) and to the astonishment of those present at the plenary, so that one day is designated as the fight against violence against women to read the manifest institutional emphasis For its part the Popular Party spokesman and the Andalusian Party to be given in the manifesto read. D. Offering Mariano Molina to the powers granted by law to the Lord Mayor to convene an extraordinary and urgent full without any financial cost to the treasury of the municipality for assistance in full at least for the Popular Party, to read the manifesto, Mayor again refused both to the call of extraordinary plenary session as it was read out the full, unperturbed and unmoved by attending a peep that the spokesman of the United Left.

Monday, October 26, 2009

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Terna for the election of new Board of the Federal Judiciary RESEARCH SCHOOL OF OAXACA

The Plenum of the Supreme Court's Office selects three candidates to elect a new Director of the Federal Judiciary

October 26, 2009

The triad was composed of Judges Caesar Esquinca Muñoa, Iturbe Arturo Rivas and Jorge Mario Pardo Rebolledo, who obtained the greatest number of votes at a public meeting conducted today, in which 10 candidates had to develop written responses to two questions put to them at the beginning.
Directors who is elected in this trio, will replace Chief Luis María Aguilar Morales. Whoever wins, will serve as Director of the Federal Judiciary for the period from December 1, 2009 to November 30, 2014.

Council Federal Judiciary is comprised of seven members:

* One is the President of the Supreme Court's Office who is also the President of the Council.
* Three directors appointed by the Full Court, by a majority of at least eight votes from the circuit magistrates and district judges.
* Two Directors appointed by the Senate.
* One appointed by the President.
See Article 100 of the Federal Constitution.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

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present an overview of the issues raised in the Supreme Court in the case of Oaxaca.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

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You are the people standing in Huétor

Registered unemployment in Huétor Vega at September 30, 2009, according to the Employment of the Junta de Andalucía, shows a whopping figure of 1,230 people , of which 621 are men and 609 women.

This represents an increase of 59 compared to August, including 29 men and 30 women. With these data, the government's optimism fell shattered on the floor, because the truth is that 59 people are unemployed compared to the previous month, and here there is no turning back.

The evolution of unemployment in Huétor Vega since January 2007, according to the Employment of the Junta de Andalucía, has continued to grow. Since that date, with 552 people who were registered (of which 198 were men and 354 women) to the 1,230 of today has meant an increase of 222.87% . If this is not crisis, as they say the gurus of the PSOE, then we do not know what it is.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

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Vega asked questions in Parliament Regular July 23, 2009 by / os councilors of the Municipal People's

spoke first Ms. Carmen Lopez Nieto (PP) who formulates the question and ask:
Question 1:
Why are not allocating social housing nor Nava homes have been delivered awarded in the last Commission meeting? Doña
Finally, Carmen López Nieto want to make a request, comment and is as follows:
indicates that in the way of the fridge in the Jerusalem Street intersection with a traffic signal there starting asking for action.

then intervenes D. José Antonio Pérez Braojos (PP) who makes the following requests:
As you well know, the English Socialist Workers Party (PSOE)-his party Mr. Placido-through Andalusia, wants to make six roads in the orchards under the sole name of the Green Corridor, which will output the same to the Barrio de San Miguel, which coincide with the road internet that you intend to build on the Road to the snowfields, to probably a gateway to the various developments that are being built between The Purchase and the Dornajo.
Although I asked in the House before, as I have not answered, I again I ask: Are you planning a project to absorb all the traffic that will generate these roads?
Mr. President: We have seen that the state with the Parque de la Nava, by day 19 of the current is not only unfortunate, because if one was unfortunate, one could forgive in a way, but the truth is that is depressing, with all the dramatic force of the term . Many trees are drying, even olive trees (and we must keep in mind that the olive tree stands well in the dry) rides have some potholes, public sanitation sorely lacking, so the hygiene leaves much to be desired drippers not even know that they are, are being cut down trees ... in the end. Mr. Mayor, on behalf of the citizens of our people, I beg you to take out thong necessary measures so that this green space of the first magnitude in our town this an acceptable state for the enjoyment of our citizens.
Thank you.

then intervenes Ms. Pilar Pérez Velázquez (PP) who makes the following requests:
Question: Do you know you
that the minutes of the Boards of Government does not provide us with the frequency with which they perform these records? Serves as the opposition to oversee the work of the Team, we've been five months without receiving any, to May, and now we have four at once, we lack the last Friday.
You know you that if the minutes are not approved and displayed to the public can not to course content? If you are doing work contained in these records is that they think we want to facilitate, as we have repeatedly requested in writing and unless there are approved and set out an irregularity.
pray: That
to announce the activities undertaken by various Councillors, such advertising does not serve to tarnish the streetlights and traffic signals, as well as currently put the stickers do not advertise anything and dispose any particular activity will be difficult. Here intervenes

D. Step Mariano Molina (PP) who asks the following questions:
Question 1: Question
if D. Joseph Walls - who is doing work in your house, planning permission or not, and who have not seen the minutes of the Local Government Board.
Question 2:
regard to the statements said to have received threats that Mr. Councillor for Sports, asked whether it had paid what is lacking in the sports coaches.
Question 3:
question about the location of the home of the pensioner, as IULVCA has said it will be in the Medical Center.
Question 4: Question about
irrigation hydrants Park Nava, and begs to be fixed.
Question 5: Question
about Decree No. 3857 in what the record 02/09 liability arising from the request of Ms. María del Mar García Rivas.
Question 6: Question about the
Decree No. 3865 in what the record 03/09 liability arising from the request of D. Bracers Manuel López.
Question 7: Question about the
Decree No. 3866 in what the record 04/09 liability arising from the request of D. David Rodriguez Ivy.
Question 8: Question about the
Decree No. 003891 in which the part is no separate 61.1/2009 that substance in the Administrative Court number three in Granada.
Question 9: Question about the
Decree No. 003892 what is the appeal which he filed with the Court of Administrative number three in Granada by Ms. Celia Fuentes Cobos.
Question 10: Question about the
Decree No. 003893 what the regular procedure that substance 486/2009 in the Court of Administrative Granada number five on the appeal by D. Manuel Enrique Medina Ramírez.
Question 11: Question about the
Decree No. 003894 in which 545/2009 is the regular procedure is substance in the Administrative Court number one in Granada by the action brought by D. Francisco Javier López Steed.
Question 12: Question about the
Decree No. 3956 of the record of 04/09 liability arising from the request of D. David Rodriguez Ivy that measures will be taken to prevent this from continuing.
Question 13: Question about the
Decree No. 3961 what these ascriptions.
Question 14: Question
why it has not been heeded the request of the Association Zarabanda be included in the program holiday, and says that in his opinion it is an act of censorship.

then spoke D. Roberto Molina Álvarez (PP) who makes the following requests:
pray 1:
requests it be provided with the report of the Legal Counsel appearing on the topic of sports coaches in the minutes of the meeting of the Board Local Government 07/07/1909.
Question 1:
Question about the increase in swimming lessons and that as yet still sports one of the areas with the highest budget and no money is not the monitors or to ensure that you can go with some assistance World Bike Trial Vega Huétor our countryman?

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asked questions Regular in plenary by the / os councilors of the Municipal People's

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

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gives way Councilwoman Maribel Municipal People's Guindo REFORMS

The aldermen of the Municipal People's Party, D ª. Maria Isabel Guindo Navarro, resigned last September 21, 2009 for employment purposes, it is transferred to Italy. The resignation became effective at the regular plenary Vega Huétor City Council, held on September 30, 2009.

Maribel Until the last moment, as we affectionately call it the comrades of the Municipal People's Party and, in general, for all / o the / os affiliates / o the party, was active, defending the position of Municipal Group Popular in motions that were tabled in Parliament, because, although in principle the issue of his resignation was referred to in paragraph 4 of the agenda the whole, the Mayor-President granted the request made by our Speaker Municipal Leader of the Opposition , D. Mariano Molina of El Paso, to defer the matter to the end before going into the business of monitoring and control of the Municipal Government Team.

resignation letter of great interest
We reproduce here the contents of the letter of resignation to Maribel-plus seen a reproduction of it in illustration of this chronicle, where can be seen, among other things, the human quality and policy of our partner high and, above all, friend:

Navarro Maria Isabel Guindo Municipal People Councillor
the Hon. Municipality of Vega Huétor

Hon. Mr. Mayor-President of the Hon. City Council Huétor

Al Vega will become increasingly difficult to reconcile com my working life I have been exercising the office of Councillor, attached to the Municipal People of this City which you preside, and understanding that these circumstances of me pra may be burdensome for all and all I moved to Italy, I have decided that the most reasonable is to present my resignation as Councillor of the City of Huétor Vega, for all purposes, for work reasons, it was impossible, I repeat, can not reconcile my work with my frontline political role in our people to take decision is not without regret therefore be able to serve our town from this place has been and still is my great honor and great satisfaction.

And to make notes where appropriate, I sign this in

Huétor Vega, September 21, 2009. Signed

.: María Isabel Navarro Guindo.

Good Wishes

Our Maribel gained recognition and respect Full of his work, his human qualities and above all, and we do not tire of repeating, the great policy that has shown up adopting this decision.

From here, my dear Maria, I wish you every success at work. And do not say goodbye because we know that you carry your Huétor in your heart and we can only hope to see you around here for you to come be part of the Popular Party candidate for the City of Huétor Vega.

luck! And above all, good luck! Succession

Maribel will happen to our fellow Guindo José Antonio Martín Fernández, who was with the number nine on the list of the Popular Party candidate for the City of Huétor Vega in the municipal elections of May 27, 2007, as prescribed by the Electoral Act. We hope that by next regular plenary our colleague Jose Antonio to take the oath of office and enter the People Group Municial Vega Huétor City Council, since the process required is complex and may expand over time.

Monday, October 12, 2009

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Election Law Case

This table sets out the points in the action of unconstitutionality 55/2009.
Includes topics such as the declaration of the constitutionality of the use of electronic voting machines and recognition of validity of the date to be held in local elections, different to the first Sunday of July, in the State of Yucatán .

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

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Yucatan Oaxaca. Background and relevant data

This table includes data such as the period covering the investigation, the explanation of the background leading that the Supreme Court's ruling on the facts and the issues addressed in the opinion of the case.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

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Oaxaca. Draft Resolution

can see the document containing the draft resolution: OAXACA CASE

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

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A issue of great importance in these days has been to define the scope, content and limits of the "military justice".

This important decision criteria are noted in this regard.,

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In This table reflects a first report of what has been the performance of the Supreme Court in this case

the views of Ministers, via the official records of plenary:

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One of the most emblematic cases of the use of Amparo (ruling that protects individual rights) as a protection and advocacy groups.

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One of the most important of the new millennium.

The Supreme Court created a microsite that you can still visit: ABORTION Microsite

The following table presents general information about this important case.

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Fiscal Another case of high complexity.
This summary presents the main features of the case.

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After several studies and considerations, we solved the issue related to the Tax on Assets of Enterprises.
It is a complex issue. The table reflects the most relevant data from a general overview.

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regulating How Research of the Supreme Court to find facts that may constitute violations guarantees serious? Electoral Legislation Tabasco

research faculty of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, to name one or more commissions for them digging a fact that could mean serious violation of individual rights , has a deep history over the last century.

Currently, there is no law governing how to exercise this power and there is no rule to clarify the scope of the conclusion of such investigations.

Therefore, the Supreme Court itself adopted a General Agreement of the Whole, to self-regulate and to have a policy regarding internal, at least, to order the work of these commissions provided constitutionally.

Here are those rules.
Rules of Court to authorize Research

Monday, September 28, 2009

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2 / 2009 and its accumulated 3 / 2009 AGAINST THE ELECTORAL LAW OF THE STATE OF TABASCO

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Action 123/2008 unconstitutionality against various provisions of the Constitution Free and Sovereign State of Tabasco (Electoral Matters).

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Derived Unconstitutional Action 6 / 2009 against the local Constitution and Electoral Law State of Sinaloa.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

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Andalusian PP president, Javier Arenas, 15 the structural reforms proposed anti-crisis and unemployment, so we can start a process to modify the root economic bases, Andalucía and administrative training, and that in his opinion "only from a reformist attitude can change what is not working and ensure a prosperous future for Andalusians."
For Javier Arenas' educational reform is urgently needed because Andalusia has a school dropout rates well above the European average, therefore, considered essential to recover values \u200b\u200bas personal responsibility, effort, quality, merit, talent , support staff and the depoliticization of educational institutions. "

also was convinced that to increase employment and productivity is necessary to improve the capital human quality and excellence of the qualifications of the Andalusians.
3 - 4
6 - 7

interoperability can download the document here:

Friday, June 12, 2009

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During the last plenary, our Municipal People's Party spokesman Mariano Molina Del Paso made a series of questions to our mayor (Placido Hurtado Caballero, PSOE).
Some of these questions were purely informational, other, more specifically the report here that wants to clarify the different treatment and above all that way to interpret the law, launched this local government, for not acting DO NOT OPEN ANY FILE, an urban crime launched by a property company, among others, Mario Del Paso Castro, Councillor of the Economy of our City. The mayor declined to answer, true to say that a fire does not go out with a glass of water.

Mr. Chairman, in the pages of resolutions 3647 and 3648 Hall opens a planning discipline record, 3 / 2009, with an injunction to suspend work, an early stage of establishment of legal order and the beginning of the proceedings disrupted penalties for work done in the Norwegian street, n º 43 of Huetor Vega. On pages 3683 and 3684 open another file, 4 / 2009, discipline planning with an injunction to suspend the works and an early stage to restore legal order perturbed urging legalization for making a license on the street Jupiter 1, also in folio 3691 opens another disciplinary urban, 5 / 2009, a work in Avd Of Color # 66. We see a correct action in this direction, but we do not understand is how all people who act like they opened a file, yet when he touches a councilman, D. Mario Del Paso Castro, with reports from Municipal Architect Secretearía and you have given us, and calling for the opening of the case, why what this council has the prerogative and is not open urban discipline proceedings? Does this mean you're going outside the law? I remind you also cut its unlicensed sidewalk and public funds, why is it not open a file to D. Mario Del Paso Castro for doing unlicensed work in the restaurant and parking against the current system?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

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In the newspaper "Granada Hoy" a few weeks ago an advertisement appeared which said that the May 27, 2009 would open the deadline for applying for housing Huétor official protection Vega. That was how the Popular Party was aware of the news (how sad, or call the Mayor's spokesman PP represents half of the people). He spent a timely manner without this City couple did nothing to publicize this news @ sl @ s tod @ s Hueter so they could apply for these homes. Of course, they (PSOE-IU-PA) is not interested in advertising, at least in our people and their families, friends, and members would have more chance of winning a VPO. So the PP
Huétor Vega posters hung around town for our @ s @ s citizenship to compete for these homes in terms of equal opportunity. Only We hung posters in our people and sites more step, not in restaurants or other establishments as Mr. Mayor, what is certain is that it hung by night and another day in the morning were almost all removed . How did he saw our Mayor?
If there are any administration that is taking away opportunities for Hueter @ s that's our City Hall: Before the last municipal elections of 2007, spokespersons Board (IU-PA-PP-PSOE) called by the Mayor of the PP (Mariano Molina Del Paso) had adopted a basis for requesting these homes in which 80% was for l @ s @ s de Huétor citizenship (this time there has not been a single call to our spokesperson.) Upon entering the tripartite these bases disappear, why? Did they manipulate them to give the houses to friends and family? The truth is that this work is neglected and appear Mr. ZP bases in which 100% of homes are for everyone (whether or not Huétor).
The County is governed by the PSOE on the Internet this call, so they are giving them national publicity, not the PP Huétor Vega. The Lord Mayor acknowledged that the VPO had a license since September 2006, but construction was blocked. This is true, the County, sectarian and partisan, governed by Mr. Caler, he was always standing in the way our municipality for the construction of 127 homes, took almost 2 years in affixing his signature to the agreement and then hurriedly asked permission to not comply with a code approved by the Government to more expensive new housing and stopped its development. If the council had acted properly in Huétor Vega have more than 126 homes delivered to citizenship @ s of our people and not as now, to be 60 for tod @ sl @ s English. So, Mr. Mayor, does not lie and do not blame the Huétor PP rather than to have avoided a hit by the tripartite.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

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Democracy as a political regime in Andalusia malfunctioning. Certainly there are issues in the case even more dramatic to Andalusian citizens in other communities, just think that in Andalusia has not yet been proven that democracy works with a certain quality, among other reasons, because it has always governed the same game: PSOE. Yes, in Andalusia and is the stark reality, "it is impossible to measure the quality of its democracy, because this, as all theorists of democracy, citing the holidays Zapatero, does not have any yardstick. Indeed, a society that has not experienced any kind of political change, or simply a change of ruling parties, can not measure the quality democratic. What can you expect you will say, "of a political society that has no political yardstick? Well, anything can happen. On the contrary, as is known, in Catalonia there was a change of ruling parties. CiU ruled before and now they do the socialists in a coalition with the independents and communists. Undoubtedly, this change gives this community a certain level of democracy compared to Andalusian.

However, we tend to think that this is a minor difference, if we look, as would any maestrillo, the party in society devours the two Communities. PSOE in Andalusia is the political agency dominates everything. Feel the real in the state, in the administrative apparatus, and from there socializing operates, controlling and totalizing. Nationalism in Catalonia who is all-devouring. It is true that Catalan nationalism has different names, PSC, ERC, CiU and IC, but in the end, it works like a party on the other citizens. In both cases, it is not leaving the company to breathe freely.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

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Justice debunks the claims of the Board at the boundaries of cattle trails

The number of miles demarcated, in the midst of tremendous conflict given the abuses committed by the Regional Administration not only unfair expropriation of land to farmers but not respected cattle use (as it did in the Camino Real of illegally fenced Refrigerators tour of the Provincial Delegation of Environment) has achieved to date, 5,346 kilometers of which correspond to Granada 681.08. In 2001 the Andalusian Government launched a comprehensive Recovery Plan cattle trails across the autonomous region that includes, within 20 years, the survey of more than 24,000 kilometers of the existing road network throughout the autonomous region for exploitation and ecological tourism, in addition to the original use of transit of cattle, as set out in this regard the State Law cattle trails 3 / 1995 and Decree 155/1988 Andalusian cattle trails.

Now two judgments of the Supreme Court and High Court of Justice has ruled in favor of BDA and supersede some of the boundaries made by the Junta de Andalucía to consider that the administrative procedure which had been handled is not right due to the expropriated lands are registered in the Land Registry and come into play the principles of public trust and legitimacy registration. This is prevented by the administration to make a provisional declaration of possession which contradicts the legal presumption of Article 38 of the Mortgage Law, which determines when the particular possession credits entered in the register can not be used as a defining instrument of claim of ownership.

Andalusian If you want to continue their recovery plan must be filed both a civil claim for restitution against each owner and try their best right, not so far been doing, that is, appropriating an arbitrary and indiscriminate land farmers based on a rankings list of dubious origin cattle trails in one of the greatest atrocities known after democracy. GRANADA ASAJA

From urges the Government of Andalusia to not wait for the affected resort's boundaries and declare the nullity of records that do not comply with the Court, set out as to declare the expiration of almost all of the files of boundaries made in the province of Granada.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

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Due to recent statements by the Minister Aido, I feel obliged to write these lines.
I am a woman, English, of age and I am 12 weeks pregnant. Thanks to the minister, I discovered that what I carry in my womb is not human. Perhaps a spoon, a pea or a pencil sharpener, but not a human being.
Madam Minister, I am not going to disrespect as you have done with my son, I want just answer me one question: if there is a human being that I have inside of me why my life has changed so much? My doctor has diagnosed high-risk pregnancy, thus I have been given time off work quickly to ensure my health and the health of that human being.
Fortunately, I also get a large enough training and experience, and perhaps to implement existing legislation about what is known in law as a legal person. If what I carry in my womb is not a legal person, does not mean it is not a human. Madam Minister, ignorance is always sassy, \u200b\u200band bold was his statement. You live
of his salary as minister, show the English people who make that salary to their work.
Finally, Ms. Aido, I say that if this is all politics progressive, leftist, innovative and PSOE you intend to carry out ...... go wrong, and evil will end. His Government fully checked out to the families and in particular to the human lives that have yet to see the light ...... yes, if its laws are progressive and leftist permit.

If you is responsible for ensuring the rights of all women of this country, better pack up and leave you a big reason is illegal.

12 Weeks Gestation

* Has neck and face is well formed
* eyelids are closed and will reopen at approximately 24 weeks
* begins to form tooth buds
* Move arms and legs
* They are present all over the body and organs
* fibers that transmit pain to the brain are developed, however, it is unknown if the unborn child is able to experience sensations such as pain
* Definitive signs of sex male or female
* You can hear the heartbeat with electronic devices
* Measure 2 to 3 inches.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

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receive and publish

The theme "Millennium Park" has been heated, and much, to the population of the Vega .. 2 letters published here that we have received:

The first letter was a clear lack of "left hand" that concerned the Mayor wanted to take the full 4 police cars ... that was so afraid?

In the plenary session on 31 March 2009 was presented a motion of the Popular Party in defense of the valley which he attended quite public, local police love reinforced by four (four) cars of the Guardia Civil with their endowments guards, required by the Mayor in anticipation of clashes. But as is well known by everyone (except the current government team) the citizens of Huetor Vega, know how to behave and express themselves through education and citizenship, and do not require action by the security forces.
The issue is that Huetor Vega is a city government that makes and breaks the back of the collective interest of citizens.
Given that the rulers are servants of the public and not to make demands which nobody wants.
But of course as we are accustomed to authoritarian tics so no one should be surprised at the call to the security forces, knowing that it would not join the motion filed by the People's Party, were being against the citizens who elected them.
Which is why the call to the civil guard. Supporting the motion
Full proceeded without any incidents and civic way.

the second is a small section on how to introduce a bill as "momentous" a reality is still rural and the Vega of Granada . Our people have lived and died in Vega for a thousand years ... will not miss an idea so daring and yet meaningless as has been put on the table.

now say we will celebrate the millennium in Granada and there is no better one occurrence should be removed from the sleeve a project that makes water everywhere (Millennium Park), it is loaded because of the fertile south to a park Metropolitan without really knowing that.
When all and say all groups are against it. One might wonder
hidden interests behind the proposal:
The plain is a source of wealth and enjoyment for citizens from the time of the Muslims without having to make any park, it has already fulfilled the same function among others, in all If it is possible to create a legal maximum protection and preserve for future generations.

IF YOU WANT TO SEND YOUR COMMENTS, IDEAS, OPINIONS, ETC .. MOTION or introduce yourself at our local headquarters in C / Martin Recalls 11a every Friday beginning at 21.30

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Thinkcentre 8215 Driver


The march, organized by the South Vega Association, Save The Platform Vega and irrigation communities in the area for Sunday at 10:30 came a little later this hour, after the previous merger that took place in Puerta Real, in front of the Fountain of Battles, without incident and giving evidence a magnificent civic behavior.

Again this morning we heard the slogan "YES PARK IN LA VEGA NO", which has already become the currency of a just claim, that of those affected, and that was echoed almost continuously by the demonstrators, along with other slogans, during the approximately 5 km route of the march in protest against the location of Millennium Park in the Vega and against so-called Dealer South.

The Popular Party was present to support their presence, both at the provincial leaders with the assistance of Antonio Ayllón, among others, and local levels, as the assistance of several / os councilors / s of the Municipal Group People of the City of Huétor Vega and several / os Huétor leaders Vega local councilors, and members of the PP in the area.

The march-protest ended with a snack at the protesters in one of the villages of the Vega South, where it was announced by the president of the South Vega is that this march-protest was the first of a series.

The snack, of course, came a prominent member of the local PSOE-A Huétor Vega, despite maintaining his party's stance in favor of Millennium Park and the Southern Distributor.