Nefasto attempt at Opening Plenary of the Municipality of Vega Huétor
full opening of the new municipality of Huetor Vega, on a day that should have been a holiday for the people of Huétor Vega, due to poor management and lack of foresight of the Municipal Government Team, headed by D. Hurtado Plácido Caballero.
face of repeated complaints of Popular Party, speaking through his spokesman D. Mariano Molina of El Paso, and once more to the repeated failure to meet deadlines call for the full, and the lack of delivery of the necessary documentation for them in a timely manner to the various groups, and specifically the main and only group in the municipal opposition, ie, the Popular Party and the placement of camps for the general knowledge of the public with sufficient time (in this case is that the sides have been placed in time, but not not one has been placed around the municipality. NOT ONE).
Full had to be postponed until further notice to be done in time and form, as properly.
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