Friday, April 29, 2011

What Does The Tattoo On Andy Sixx's Neck Men

RUEGO. Rogamos den solución urgente a un vertido de agua fecales en Paramos.

These photos (stopped), are a sewage spill.
seems that the problem may be the responsibility of the treatment plant. This spill is about 150 / 200 m.
more above the water collection wells of which is brought to Tui.
The counters are of a pumping station that would operate and if so
not leave the mess
through the spillway. No?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Annabel Chong What Happened

Propuestas de los Candidatos a la Alcaldía del Concello de Tui, expresadas en Faro de Vigo, relativas al posible destino de los terrenos traseros del Área Panorámica y sobre el parking subterráneo.

collect here the various proposals of the candidates for mayor of the City Council of Tui, expressed in Faro de Vigo, on the possible fate of the land Panoramic rear area and underground parking.

Faro de Vigo,


(no question is made on this subject in the interview Faro de Vigo)

April 1, 2011, MIGUEL A. KING CAPON, AT

"If you govern, would we have wooded park in the rear of the Scenic Area?
"Depends. If valid the proposed parking in the "New streets, we would not mind. If the cost of the project is crazy, there would be underground parking and a plaza with shrubs.


- Allocate the back of scenic wooded area in the area of \u200b\u200bgreatest population density in Tui?

"In the area of \u200b\u200bexpansion need a place of relaxation, a meeting place, a place where people can sit and talk and children can play.

- What model of car would you choose?

-Block always defended one under the streets.

April 14, 2011, Caban ENRIQUE GONZALEZ, PSOE PSdeG

- Are you in favor of a wooded park in the rear of the Scenic Area?
"The reality is that a part of this area is already assigned to Sergas for the future health center, so that any action is subject to it. Ideally, the entire field was a real village green lung for the use and enjoyment of people. We must be realistic. In the first phase is to create surface parking areas put in the urban environment. From there, look for funding for the construction of underground parking, which in the present context, it seems difficult.

- What is your opinion about the fate of the land Panoramic Rear Area and the underground parking?

-lords who govern us accomplished something very difficult: stop the clock for twelve years. The solution that convinces me is the construction of a parking lot with gardens and sports fields on the surface.


- Plan to apply Area land Panoramic rear and create parking?

-back to the land, a large park with large trees. A true heart for Tui. The parking, in its most logical location, which require residents and municipal price.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Braces In Johor Bahru

gastronomic walking paths, and rushed

Marisela The barge down to the Mangrove Arauca, Apure River arm

one has its particular rivers, those with which is dreamed of, even without knowing them. So, I had such mythical places the Thames, the Orinoco y el Apure. Con los tres soñé sin haberme nunca acercado a ellos. Alguna vez, en mi sueño, los dos últimos se salieron de su cauce. El Orinoco llegó hasta mi cama y la hizo flotante. El Apure se acercó mucho, pero se quedó en la calle. No olvido esos impresionantes sueños fluviales, incluido el londinense, corriendo dulce en unos versos de T. S. Eliot. Hace pocos días completé la aproximación no onírica a esa trilogía personal. Conocí el Apure desde el puente María Nieves, en llegando a San Fernando, y lo vi casi a diario durante mi semana santa apureña, ora en Biruaca o en Arichuna, yendo hacia diversos parajes de su parte baja. Pese a la inmensa pérdida de cauce, el I beat legendary river its former majesty and his gallant resistance while undermining hostile and dirty waters, its banks. One day be on track, says Cuchi, like any river that gets tired of the disrespect of those who steal space and pollute without mercy. In the palace of Barbarito could see the bollards and dock ships docked at the pier of San Fernando and Trade Street I stopped to look at the house where he was the hotel that was home to Easter Gallegos, 1927 Doña Barbara where he stayed during his last visit to the state capital. A few meters from the novelist and his most famous character, ran the wonderful river, far away. Unfortunately, no longer walk as the "walking paths" as eloquent metaphor of Barinas Alberto Arvelo Torrealba. At least, not run through what was once daily rather than occasional assaults.
Front Apure, in the fish market on Wednesday, looked at the fresh holy catfish bay, the peacocks, the Caribs, the cachamas, the croakers, the bandages and coporo. A little later, at lunch, I did not how to assess the quality of the former over the latter, or vice versa, and I chose to use a rhetorical device of our guide and friend Edgar Colmenares Valley "catfish is the first line and Peacock's number one. " Meat tasted mellow and nice to give the lie to those who like to stunt their squeamishness of monifato and released for freshwater fish with the mendacious claim that "do not know anything." Mr. Pavón and Don Catfish Raya declare the glory of a food culture that goes beyond the topic of "earthy" without appeal to the concealing sauces geosmin ... The day before we enjoy another species highly prized plains: the tortoise. In a pond near the Paso Arauca had seen a handful of freshwater. Just stopped to photograph it, with simultaneous precision and effective, members of the group were launched water. The soft and tasty meat turtle in a stew we appreciate that Teresa Colmenares gave us breakfast. On another occasion I will praise for the dish memorable. Now back to the rivers.
since I heard a song by Eneas Perdomo where homage is paid and I knew that my friends and Florencio Sánchez Barrios poet had sailed, the Matiyure became one of my fixations. He had not dreamed it, but it was for me as mythical as the Arauca, another river not dreamed, but belligerent in my imagination. Well. Upon reaching Achaguas immediately led me to see the river. " There it was. It's just a shadow of I had pondered. Somebody heard the cry and said "I have taponeao in Cedral." One hopes, however, that the Matiyure again be the river whose waters " kneel before the Christ / and is never seen: / Achaguas holy week." Baghlan sang these verses to Eneas Perdomo finish this article in a tone of hope and faith in the miraculous Achaguas Nazarene.

Friday, April 22, 2011

3mos Or 3cmos What Is The Differance

prodigious Scene near Paso Arauca. Edgar said he had at least 50 who did not see that beauty

Arauca In Step with the Devil could not Florentino. This was stated without Fleitas Beroes Germain and I believe him, as I also think Arvelo Torrealba when located the famous epic of counterpoint in Santa Ines. The myth has many more prairie, as poets sing it. And it could not be otherwise, in the case of wandering balladeers and legends shared in the immensity of these places I visit yesterday. From the hand of Edgar Colmenares del Valle, a small team of Culinary Research Center of the images read from notes Uney Gallegos, jugglers or just heard a dream after look at some picture of the great river.
As the tango: in caravan memories go. Thus, Toto arrived in Lima with its dawn smelling Castellanos mastranto and poet in a photo from when he was confined in San Fernando de Apure in the 30's. Also reached a poem by Luis Barrios Cruz to enter dungeon and all the Creole Silva yesterday when we watched the tide has fallen (the plain) and the wave that falls (heaven). Earlier, in Ortiz, advented Palm Sunday complete with procession and all. The literary landscape in full swing. Until the priest and the sacristan, "said Amen thinking about something else", arrived. Immediately a dead house, as an intact control erosion novel, we imposed its presence. Won
plenary indulgence in the church of Ortiz, reboot the way Camaguán. We expect Arnaldo Acosta Bello and some verses of Canto elemental fifties. We stopped to see the Portuguese, whose waters were born to Manuel Bermudez, and academic as ranger as our guide. Also waiting for us pandehornos in threads and empanadas (stuffed with a delicious sweet this time it was banana) and, of course, birds ... Finally, distances and loans. Herons and water. In that we are from the Sunday morning.
different landscape awaits us: the gourmet. Apureña Easter is rich in slug, capybara and tortoises. Today we are going to Cunaviche, where Gallegos was never. When we drive back to Atacaima San Rafael, to visit one of the best markets in the country river. We still ringing in the mandolin master Carmelo cunavichero Araca, while watching a heron palette, plump into the pond. Good sign, no doubt, for this first foray into the bush.

(These notes were made in the phone book Monday morning April 18, 2011. The transcribed as is)

Monday, April 11, 2011 Jubilee Vore

apureñas Notes "Salt", a phrase

Salinas de Araya

Cuchi Salsipuedes salt corrected. It held that it lacked just a spit. Damaris then added the right and the fish soup was ready. Salt, "little because it is blessed," once again met its everyday function and ancient: nothing less than to please.

most precious spice in the history of our peoples than salt. Since his name means the pay that men receive for their work: wage. Before coinage currency, and even after that incident in Lidia 600 years before Christ, the salt was used as payment. Made sacred by different cultures, salt, whether sea or land, was icon of power and not only the staple food of humans or other foods conservative field. Surely the latter explains the former, but as sometimes symbols are sufficient unto themselves, it is worth the distinction. Possess own salt is the key to livelihood / trade masterpiece like they claimed, among others, English and Dutch. It is also the stronghold for the release. As shown by Mahatma Gandhi with his antitrust and his handful of salt march the independence of India.

To salt herring and preparing butter and cheese, Europeans craved salt everywhere, especially the Caribbean, considering that it was most appropriate for the curing of their fish and to develop the gravlax, the cured salmon that is the delight of Swedes. The English controlled the salt boldly Caribbean and the occurrence of the breach of the peace with Holland, had to deal with the invaders. In January 1622 a fleet of Dutch ships nearly forty Araya raided in order to completely take over the Venezuelan salt envied. The English resisted and eventually won comfortably. Chastened, erected shortly after the impregnable castle of Araya, who was for long the most important strength of this land. Historian once said that if Carrera Damas national independence war and the earthquake of 1812 had been more deadly than they were (and stating that they were), in Venezuela would have left standing only the magnificent castle of Araya.

Highway droves served to bring salt to the interior, but if the path to getting of the precious condiment or salting primary agent, it was hard, put his hand to the old Aboriginal skills. In the absence of sea salt or lake, the land was not a bad substitute Quíbor. He ancestry, had been the main salt in the early years of conquest, as evidenced by the Florentine merchant Galeotto Cey, whose work Travel and Description of the Indies has been widely studied by Jose Rafael Lovera, our greatest historian food. Some "buns of salt" talk a member of the expedition Federman, whose possession caused the punishment of a hundred lashes. These salt cakes were the result of a procedure performed on Indian land quiboreños salty, cooking it and straining it with rainwater. A journalist even said that she did better cooking with sea salt ("Ah, the world as a world / and when it rained Quíbor! ").

Salt (palindrome which serves as the title of this article) has always been working in the culinary imagination. Thus, we can not help noticing that the "salts flavored" are not such recent creation and "gourmet" that some describe as "find." Are themselves an obvious tautology ... The combination of the taste of salt with different scents is a healthy practice that Arabs performed with lemon, as has always been known. Surely we can continue to experiment and give with good formulas, but be careful to recognize the precedents. Rather than undermining the real innovation, that emphasizes and favors carefully.

also "corrected Ilsebill of salt" and generated, as the Germans, the best first sentence of any novel. This was written by Günter Grass and famously called the Turbot .

Monday, April 4, 2011

Most Recent Lumineyes Update

round and gastronomic bicentennial Parental

Francisco Miranda (Miranda detail in The Ratchet , Arturo Michelena)

I do not know what time I learned of the homeland. Maybe it was when the school teacher taught us and made to sing the national anthem to all students in a hall of the College or when I heard my uncle, the poet Castellanos, reciting his poem on the child Bolivar had and should have, "not in Maria Teresa, his wife of God, or Manuela Sáenz, her female pride, but a black American Indian, that had always rebellion." I do not remember how old I was when I looked for first time "the flag that brought Miranda," as the song my mother sang in the house and whose lyrics I've forgotten. I can not precise. Even less if included in the imaginary prime years when childhood is just a memory or a speech made oblique by parents. It is likely that the map of Venezuela, I have wondered before what we now remember, but I have only clear the awkward moment when I drew in a notebook.
Parting symbols and the unavoidable presence Bolivar, the encounter with the country could have been even when vi landscapes different from my city for an unforgettable trip to Caracas, where, among other things, discovered the mandarins of San Felipe, Lake Valencia and television (it must be said) in the house of Ephraim De Lima . In truth, I was forming country step by step and not all at once. The more clearly felt one morning when our neighbor dapper Alfonso Martin played in a window of the house to tell us that Pérez Jiménez had fallen. That day showed me numerous flashes country. Soon came the Venezuelan Readings Iragorry Mario Briceño, a book that we would gift to Elsie and me, the Holy Book Luzar, owned the aforementioned uncle. I can still relive the smell of their pages and remember with pleasure some of his most beautiful. Then came other country experiences and the continued arming me more directly. Sites that met our family had stellar and legendary status as the Andes. So I showed Trujillo state highways and from there a site that never ends: Baetica. Later I learned that my father's estate that I indicated was a major "estates", shortly after word that would associate the term "land reform" and all which meant that stage of the country I lived in my high school years.
By visiting the towns of Trujillo began to discover the diversity of the country and its emblems. I knew that not only represented Barquisimeto Ayacucho Park history. But above all, I learned of the existence of other Venezuelans who lived in the same country. Larenses addition, Caracas and Andean countries, had Zulia. Still ringing in my ears the voice of a police Cabimas, whose phonetic and intonation to the hilarious hit me on the first trip I made to the state of Zulia, accompanying their work to the traveling salesman who was my father. More would later be other landscapes and other dreams that the country would be revealing and arousing me. Reading Comprehension Venezuela , Mariano Picon Salas, became for me a kind of intellectual blog to approach the bowels of the country. Turn to its pages often insightful and always learn something new from them. Could add other indispensable books in my personal relationship with the country, including several novels by Rómulo Gallegos, Díaz Sánchez, de Meneses, de Otero Silva, Uslar Pietri and Enrique Bernardo Núñez, but the list is I would be very extensive and not I'm doing readings count. leave another proof of how much I learned from reading Orlando Araujo Venezuela as well as poems and essays by Juan Liscano.
P an I say that the nation heard it, I saw it, smelled it, touched it but also to me I was eating. "It puts you in the eye," said Briceño Iragorry. And it's true. But in some cases, we mainly enters through the mouth. And you know arepa, to meatloaf, to newsprint, to handle. The country is more a story. It is a catalog of emotions. The poet José Emilio Pacheco, talking about his (Mexican) said he did not love it, but confessed he would give his life for ten of their places, certain people, ports, forests, a shattered city, several figures in its history, mountains and three or four rivers. Speaking from my own, I could say the same, but would add to the list four or five dishes, hallaca including, of course. Tell the reader his own, because I know that is not the choice easy.