Marisela The barge down to the Mangrove Arauca, Apure River arm
one has its particular rivers, those with which is dreamed of, even without knowing them. So, I had such mythical places the Thames, the Orinoco y el Apure. Con los tres soñé sin haberme nunca acercado a ellos. Alguna vez, en mi sueño, los dos últimos se salieron de su cauce. El Orinoco llegó hasta mi cama y la hizo flotante. El Apure se acercó mucho, pero se quedó en la calle. No olvido esos impresionantes sueños fluviales, incluido el londinense, corriendo dulce en unos versos de T. S. Eliot. Hace pocos días completé la aproximación no onírica a esa trilogía personal. Conocí el Apure desde el puente María Nieves, en llegando a San Fernando, y lo vi casi a diario durante mi semana santa apureña, ora en Biruaca o en Arichuna, yendo hacia diversos parajes de su parte baja. Pese a la inmensa pérdida de cauce, el I beat legendary river its former majesty and his gallant resistance while undermining hostile and dirty waters, its banks. One day be on track, says Cuchi, like any river that gets tired of the disrespect of those who steal space and pollute without mercy. In the palace of Barbarito could see the bollards and dock ships docked at the pier of San Fernando and Trade Street I stopped to look at the house where he was the hotel that was home to Easter Gallegos, 1927 Doña Barbara where he stayed during his last visit to the state capital. A few meters from the novelist and his most famous character, ran the wonderful river, far away. Unfortunately, no longer walk as the "walking paths" as eloquent metaphor of Barinas Alberto Arvelo Torrealba. At least, not run through what was once daily rather than occasional assaults.
Front Apure, in the fish market on Wednesday, looked at the fresh holy catfish bay, the peacocks, the Caribs, the cachamas, the croakers, the bandages and coporo. A little later, at lunch, I did not how to assess the quality of the former over the latter, or vice versa, and I chose to use a rhetorical device of our guide and friend Edgar Colmenares Valley "catfish is the first line and Peacock's number one. " Meat tasted mellow and nice to give the lie to those who like to stunt their squeamishness of monifato and released for freshwater fish with the mendacious claim that "do not know anything." Mr. Pavón and Don Catfish Raya declare the glory of a food culture that goes beyond the topic of "earthy" without appeal to the concealing sauces geosmin ... The day before we enjoy another species highly prized plains: the tortoise. In a pond near the Paso Arauca had seen a handful of freshwater. Just stopped to photograph it, with simultaneous precision and effective, members of the group were launched water. The soft and tasty meat turtle in a stew we appreciate that Teresa Colmenares gave us breakfast. On another occasion I will praise for the dish memorable. Now back to the rivers.
since I heard a song by Eneas Perdomo where homage is paid and I knew that my friends and Florencio Sánchez Barrios poet had sailed, the Matiyure became one of my fixations. He had not dreamed it, but it was for me as mythical as the Arauca, another river not dreamed, but belligerent in my imagination. Well. Upon reaching Achaguas immediately led me to see the river. " There it was. It's just a shadow of I had pondered. Somebody heard the cry and said "I have taponeao in Cedral." One hopes, however, that the Matiyure again be the river whose waters " kneel before the Christ / and is never seen: / Achaguas holy week." Baghlan sang these verses to Eneas Perdomo finish this article in a tone of hope and faith in the miraculous Achaguas Nazarene.
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