Date: 05/05/2011
Source: Infomiñ
1. General information:
- Full name: Carlos Vazquez Padin
- current or last occupation Profession: Xerente of small business and General Secretariat for Converxencia XXI.
- Age: (not necessary the date of birth). 37 years
- Birthplace: Tui
- Place of Residence: Tui
2. Who comprise the application of su party in such municipal election?
The list is closed, its composition is very plural, is composed in equal parts by party members and independent people who wanted to incorporate a wide spectrum of society tudense be represented on our list. The people who will occupy the first places a set time which I think is compensated and was formed to do a good job, whether in opposition or in government. The number two of the application will be Eugenia Rey Castillo, Secretary Local Convergence XXI.
3. What line of work if Basa su draft guy with the upcoming elections?
we can affirm that our plans very well work that began more than a year to get to know our offer to the citizens of Tui.
4. What expectations do you intend to elections in accordance with these elections?
Ours is a long-term bet on things well done and present a program that I think may be what the ubiquitous Tui the place it deserves, but are the citizens who will decide the strength that we let's put all the meat in the roaster to convince them that we are the choice for real change in Tui after thirteen years of regression and decline of our county. Should perhaps remember that Tui was the fourth town in Galicia in 1760 and now we do not lose more jobs to be in the hands of municipal governments that do not contribute to the development of Tui, but that prevent our evolution. While current Thyme superaranos population in a few years and Salvaterra with the port can also be dry, Vigo has already done, we finally compete in the Champions League to be arrastrándonos by fields of earth, if you will pardon the metaphor.
5. That work on brands such as infrastructure priority "Su Town Hall? ¿Y
he Minho Low?
For us it is essential that the road Tui-A Guarda have direct access to the polygon Sands.
Besides the companies adxudicatarias public works, roads and tracks, for example, must undergo a quality control and a guarantee of their results, in Tuy with Mr. Moises Rodrigues and Mr. Richardson the usual is that the same street, same range or even the municipal parking lot (which is better a deadlock) is resolved, barely six months for the same company that made bad can come back to correct six months later.
priority is to open the street and build a parking Orense underground, in respect to citizens and is not our style promises a multitude of things then do not fulfill and they promised to Moses and Richardson in 1999, 12 years later are not to do: race track, fairgrounds, daycare, sports, underground parking, etc.
As Secretary General of a formation that is presented in these elections in several major cities of Galicia take this opportunity to comment that in my party, Convergence XXI argues that metropolitan areas of Vigo and La Coruna have a train proximity and within this framework Tui should be linked by rail with Vigo frequencies and convenient hours.
not forget that the infrastructure more important in the future will be technological and in this sense alegrámonos much to the campaign last summer by when we share Convergence XXI 6000 leaflets denouncing this issue, among others, convinced the county has authorized the company's R the ramifications of its network in Tui this year 2011, which took four years permit paralyzed in this county without his explanation.
6. What social and cultural policies llevarána out if he wins the mayoral election of 2011?
Maintaining the partnership with Play Doc Documentary Film Festival, in partnership with the Teatro Principal de Tui in order to achieve the rehabilitation of the Main Theatre, among whose many benefits is to give life to the historic center and provide a test site. For its strategic importance for Tui taken from the municipality and the cost of organizing the Festival of San Telmo.
7. What impression on him Tien City Hall? As the set soon?
Tui was one of the most important cities of Galicia and if we can break the vicious circle of conservatism and stagnation may again be, depends on our being able to get involved tudense an effort to society this collective sense that we use TUI free than exclusively for his personal benefit.
Convergence XXI represents very well the intention of returning to be the first line of Galician cities to have founded an organization on the Tui with autonomic following throughout Galicia.
Convergence XXI represents very well the intention of returning to be the first line of Galician cities to have founded an organization on the Tui with autonomic following throughout Galicia.
8. Locally, what kind of measures undertaken since puedo llevar a municipal corporation of
to weather the current economic crisis?
Convergence XXI To the best social policy is to generate employment, TUI and in this sense has very important untapped resources, including tourism, with an ancient center in shape and not falling like today, with the appointment of Tui-Valença as world heritage, enhancing the Minho, Monte Aloia, etc.. Tui would create many jobs in the rehabilitation first, and then in the hotel industry and commerce and as a consequence, since the economy is a chain, would also generate in other sectors.
9. On a personal level, ¿Siente if he ready to lead group of city government su
party believes the 2011 municipal election? Grounds that the aspirations for
influyen reads as a candidate? That the important person in the political history reads
inspires wonder?
In me is the political vocation as evidenced by the fact that studied Political Science, founded in 2009 Convergence XXI aportalle to try new ideas to tackle the problems of Portuguese society and tudense. Although it is not I who should say, it seems to me that meets the requirements for training, vocation, honesty and future hopes to be a president worthy of our great county citizens if they choose.
agradecemtos as mentioned in the book "Galician and freedom" found an invaluable source of inspiration in two great leaders, the founder of the Democratic Convergence of Catalonia, Jordi Pujol, the shape constant, moderate, peaceful and positive working tirelessly insobornablemente and to promote democracy, freedom and his country has always struck me as a role model, a model that produced great results for Catalonia and Galicia as I saw with envy indisimulada his example. Another reference to me is that of Winston Churchill, an extraordinary leader who advocated democracy and freedom against the Nazi monster, and spoke with the British honesty of one who loves his people, that kind of honesty rarely found today in Our political class.
10. What would you say to potential voters sus supporters?
Diriallle tudenses that we are serious people and order and we must not allow the name of Tui continues to be discredited in all Galicia. It is a matter of respect and responsibility that affects us all, we need to resume the local government not to continue perxudicando our image and our credit, and we need a renewal in the way of doing things, not just younger people who do the same.
We are all proud to be from Tui. Now follow this pride comes the responsibility to ourselves, our families and our fellow citizens. It is time for accountability, it is time for us to uphold.
We are all proud to be from Tui. Now follow this pride comes the responsibility to ourselves, our families and our fellow citizens. It is time for accountability, it is time for us to uphold.
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